Volunteer Positions

In order to ensure that MMOG CYO continues to be the largest, and best run program in the area, we rely upon volunteers.  Below is a list of the positions required for our program to run successfully.  Please reach out to board@mmogcyo.com if you would like information about any of these positions.

* Notes a voting board position

+ Notes an open position

Director of CYO Programs *

  • Oversee all programs.
  • Coordinate practice schedules amongst programs
  • Create/open registration

Director of Youth Programs *

  • Oversee Junior Saints and 3rd Grade programs.
  • Create/open registration

Treasurer *

  • Produce quarterly income statement and end-of-quarter cash balance for board.
  • Pay all invoices and issue checks
  • Organize cash (or venmo) for scorebook and clock workers.
  • Issue payments for work bond refunds.
  • Reconcile bank statements
  • Responsible for cash boxes and content.

Director of Coaching *

  • Find coaching volunteers for all programs (except jr. saints)
  • Schedule and host coaches meeting.
  • Coordinate site managers (including tear down of concessions/gate and returning cash box to treasurer); this can be done through signup.com
  • Schedule coach’s clinic with Dan Schantz
  • Collect and distribute keys to gym
  • Document requirements for all coaches (virtus training, background checks, finger printing…)

Director of Operations *

  • Concession stands supplies
  • Scorebook and Clock training and scheduling
  • HONOR award recipient coordination
  • Oversee all subcommittees/positions

Church Liaison *

  • Attend Diocesan Meetings
  • Attend board meetings in order to properly represent club at meetings.
  • Scholarships

Youth Outreach Director *